Text Fields

Bootstrap 4 Text Fields with Material Design UI

Text Fields allow users to enter some data in the UI. They are mostly used in forms and modal boxes.

Bootstrap 4 Text Fields

Bootstrap 4 has some global styling defined for each of the individual form controls. All textual <input> and <textarea> elements with .form-control are set to width: 100%; by default. Wrap labels and controls in .form-group for optimum spacing.


Propeller Text Fields

Propeller Text Fields consists of Bootstrap 4 HTML structure with Propeller customized classes based on material design standards.

Add .pmd-textfield and .pmd-textfield-floating-label to the parent div to customize Bootstrap 4 text fields into Propeller text fields which contains a line which is focused and a label that floats when the user selects it.

Help Text.


Propeller Outline Text Fields

Use .pmd-textfield-outline next to .pmd-textfield to create an outline text field.

Help Text.


Propeller Filled Text Fields

Use .pmd-textfield-filled next to .pmd-textfield to create a text field with filled background.

Help Text.


Propeller Text Fields without Floating Label

Remove .pmd-textfield-floating-label class to remove the floating effect in the Text Fields.

Help Text.
Help Text.
Help Text.


Text Field Sizes

Bootstrap 4 provides Text Fields in various sizes: small, default and large. Add class .col-form-label-lg in <label> tag and .form-control-lg in <input> tag to create a large text field while add class .col-form-label-sm in <label> tag and .form-control-sm in <input> tag to create a small text field.


Readonly State

Add the readonly boolean attribute on an input to prevent user input and style the input as disabled.


Readonly with Plain Text

Add .form-control-plaintext to the input to display its value as plain text.


Disabled State

Create disbaled input by adding the disabled boolean attribute on an input to prevent user input and trigger a slightly different look.


Inverse Text Fields

Use .bg-dark and .text-white to the card structure to create an inverse form.

Help Text.

Help Text.

Help Text.


Text Field Validation

Propeller provides validation states for error, and success states on form controls. Add .is-valid to the text field and .valid-feedback to the <div> containing the validation message in order to create a success text field. Similarly, add .is-invalid and .invalid-feedback to create error text field.

Looks good!
Please provide a valid username.
Looks good!
Please provide a valid username.
Looks good!
Please provide a valid username.


Configuration Options

The table lists some HTML attributes that are required for positioning and styling of the Text Fields.

Propeller Class Effect Remark
.pmd-textfield Class added for general label and input formatting. Required
.pmd-textfield-floating-label Adds floating animation to the label of input Optional
.pmd-textfield-outline Add this class to create Propeller outline input Optional
.pmd-textfield-filled Add this class to create Propeller filled input Optional

jQuery Plugin

Call the jQuery plugin to initialize the textfield and textarea while fetching the data dynamically.