
Bootstrap 4 Card with Material Design UI

Card is a flexible and extensible content container. It includes options for header and footer, a wide variety of content, contextual background colors, and powerful display options.

Bootstrap 4 Card

Card is a convenient means of displaying content composed of different elements. It is also well-suited for showcasing elements whose size or supported actions vary, like photos with captions of variable length.

Cards don't have a fixed margin so you can use Bootstrap 4 spacing utilities for the same. They have no fixed width, so they can be sized using the Bootstrap 4 sizing options.

Propeller Pro Card image cap
Card title

Some quick example text to build on the card title and make up the bulk of the card's content.

Go somewhere


Propeller Card

Propeller Card consists of Bootstrap 4 HTML structure with Propeller customized classes. Simply add .pmd-card class besides the .card class to acheive the look and feel based on material design standards.

Propeller Pro Avatar

Two-line item

Secondary text

Propeller Pro Card image cap

Title goes here

Secondary text

Cards provide context and an entry point to more robust information and views. Don't overload cards with extraneous information or actions.


Card Elements

A Card is constructed using blocks of content which include:

  • An optional header
  • A primary title
  • Rich media
  • Supporting text
  • Actions

Mix and match multiple content blocks to create the card you need.

Title goes here

Secondary text

Include title and sub-title to the code by adding .card-title and .card-subtitle respectively inside wrapper class .card-header.

Title goes here

Secondary text

Use .pmd-title-separator class to add a separator to the card title.

Title goes here

Secondary text

Use .pmd-title-separator-right along with .text-right class to add a separator to the card title to the right.

Card provide context and an entry point to more robust information and views. Don't overload card with extraneous information or actions.

Include Supporting text to the code by adding .card-body.

Add footer to the card using .card-footer.

Card provide context and an entry point to more robust information and views. Don't overload card with extraneous information or actions.

Use .pmd-card-border along with .card-footer or .card-header to add border to header / footer in the card.

Add action buttons to the card using .card-footer.

Use action icons for adding social media component

Add .pmd-btn-fill along with .card-footer to create a filled action buttons card footer.

Add .pmd-btn-fill and .btn-group along with .card-body to add a button group in the card.

Propeller Pro Card image cap

Add media to your card using .pmd-card-media.


Include an icon as a media in the card by adding .pmd-card-icon.

Use .pmd-floating-content-wrapper and .pmd-floating-content-{tc,tl,tr,bc,br,bl} to add a floating icon in the card.

Title goes here

Secondary text

Use .pmd-card-dark along with a background class to create inverse card.


Title, Description and Actions Card

Title goes here

Secondary text

Cards provide context and an entry point to more robust information and views. Don't overload cards with extraneous information or actions.


Media and Description Card

Propeller Pro Card image cap

Cards provide context and an entry point to more robust information and views. Don't overload cards with extraneous information or actions.


Media, Description and Footer Card

Propeller Pro Card image cap

Cards provide context and an entry point to more robust information and views. Don't overload cards with extraneous information or actions.


List with Icon Card

Listing Card

  • mood Single-line item with icon
  • notifications
    Single-line item with icon
  • person_add
    Single-line item with icon
  • share
    Single-line item with icon
  • drive_eta
    Single-line item with icon


List with Avatar Card

  • Propeller Pro Avatar

    Three-line item

    In a three-line list, each tile contains a maximum of three lines of text.

  • Propeller Pro Avatar

    Three-line item

    In a three-line list, each tile contains a maximum of three lines of text.

  • Propeller Pro Avatar

    Three-line item

    In a three-line list, each tile contains a maximum of three lines of text.


Media and Actions Card

Propeller Pro Card image cap

Propeller Pro Card image cap


Title, Media and Actions Card

Title goes here

Secondary text

Propeller Pro Card image cap

Title goes here

Secondary text

Propeller Pro Card image cap

Title goes here

Secondary text

Propeller Pro Card image cap


Media, Title and Action Card

Propeller Pro Card image cap

Title goes here

Secondary text


Title, Media, Description and Action Card

Propeller Pro Avatar

Two-line item

Secondary text

Propeller Pro Card image cap

Cards provide context and an entry point to more robust information and views. Don't overload cards with extraneous information or actions.


Media, Title, Action and Description Card

Propeller Pro Card image cap

Title goes here

Secondary text

Cards provide context and an entry point to more robust information and views. Don't overload cards with extraneous information or actions.


Kitchen Sink

Propeller Pro Card image cap

Title goes here

Secondary text

Cards provide context and an entry point to more robust information and views. Don't overload cards with extraneous information or actions.

  • mood Single-line item with icon
  • notifications
    Single-line item with icon
  • person_add
    Single-line item with icon


Form Card

Enquiry Form


Icon, Title and Description Card

To add an icon as a media, use .pmd-card-icon in place of .pmd-card-media class.

Responsive Websites

As mobile web usage skyrockets, we make sure we code best practice HTML for all types of devices and screen sizes.


Team / Client Details Card

Keith Dowd

Peach & Pie

Amorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras vitae nibh nisl. Cras etitikis mauris eget lorem ultricies ferme ntum a inti diam.


Inverse Card

Add .bg-* and .pmd-card-dark class to create colorful cards.

Propeller Pro Avatar

Two-line item

Secondary text

Propeller Pro Card image cap

Title goes here

Secondary text

Cards provide context and an entry point to more robust information and views. Don't overload cards with extraneous information or actions.


Card with Borders

Add .pmd-card-border class to apply borders to the bottom and top of header and footer of the card respectively.

Propeller Pro Avatar

Two-line item

Secondary text

Cards provide context and an entry point to more robust information and views. Don't overload cards with extraneous information or actions.


Image Overlay

Use class .card-img-overlay in place of .card-body class to move the text on the image.

Developer Library

A Developer Library

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
Sed feugiat arcu ut orci porta, eget porttitor felis suscipit.
Sed a nisl ullamcorper, tempus augue at, rutrum lacus. Duis et turpis eros.


Card Groups

Use class .card-group to create attached cards with equal width and height.

Propeller Pro Card image cap

Card Title

Cards provide context and an entry point to more robust information and views. Don't overload cards with extraneous information or actions.

Propeller Pro Card image cap

Card Title

This card has even less content than the first and last card.

Propeller Pro Card image cap

Card Title

Cards provide context and an entry point to more robust information and views. Don't overload cards with extraneous information or actions.


Card Decks

To create cards with equal width and height but are not connected to each other use class .card-deck.

Propeller Pro Card image cap

Card Title

Cards provide context and an entry point to more robust information and views. Don't overload cards with extraneous information or actions.

Propeller Pro Card image cap

Card Title

This card has even less content than the first and last card.

Propeller Pro Card image cap

Card Title

Cards provide context and an entry point to more robust information and views. Don't overload cards with extraneous information or actions.


Card Columns

To arrange cards of different heights in a masonry arrangement, use .card-columns class.

Propeller Pro Card image cap

Card Title

Cards provide context and an entry point to more robust information and views. Don't overload cards with extraneous information or actions.

Listing Card

  • mood Single-line item with icon
  • notifications
    Single-line item with icon
  • person_add
    Single-line item with icon
  • share
    Single-line item with icon
  • drive_eta
    Single-line item with icon

Keith Dowd

Peach & Pie

Amorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras vitae nibh nisl. Cras etitikis mauris eget lorem ultricies ferme ntum a inti diam.

Propeller Pro Card image cap
Propeller Pro Avatar

Two-line item

Secondary text

Propeller Pro Card image cap

Title goes here

Secondary text

Cards provide context and an entry point to more robust information and views. Don't overload cards with extraneous information or actions.


Configuration Options

The Propeller CSS classes apply various predefined visual enhancements to the Card. The table lists the available classes and their effects.

Propeller Classes Effect Remark
.pmd-card Wrapper class for card layout. Required
.pmd-card-media Defines section for the media for the card. Optional
.pmd-card-border Used to apply border below the header or above the footer of the card. Optional
.pmd-title-separator Used to apply separator below the title. Optional
.pmd-btn-fill Used to create a full width button in the card footer. Optional
.pmd-card-dark Used to apply white color fonts to the text applied over the card-media. Optional
.pmd-card-icon Defines section for the icon for the card Optional
.pmd-card-overlay Used to apply overlay effect to the card. Optional
.pmd-view-details Used to show the text on the hover in the .pmd-card-overlay class. Optional
.pmd-title-separator Used to add separator below the title. Optional
.pmd-title-separator-right Used to add separator below the title when the text is right aligned. Optional
.pmd-floating-content-wrapper Used to wrap the floating icon. Optional
.pmd-floating-content-{tc,tl,tr,br,bc,bl} Used to set the position of the floating icon. Optional