
Bootstrap 4 Stepper with Material Design UI

Stepper is an element that displays progress by breaking an entire process into a sequence of logical and numbered steps. It is used for registration and feedback form, shopping cart experience, questionnaire etc.

Horizontal Stepper


Horizontal Hoverable Stepper

To create a horizontal stepper with hover effect, add .pmd-stepper-hover followed by .pmd-stepper.


Use <a> tags to create actionable stepper items.

Horizontal Stepper with Active State

Add .active class along with .nav-item to showcase the active state of a stepper item.

Horizontal Stepper with Completed State

Add .completed class along with .nav-item to showcase the completed state of a stepper item. Also if you want to use an icon in the completed state, add an <i> tag with class .completed-media inside the <div> having class .pmd-stepper-media.

Horizontal Stepper with Disabled State

Add .disabled class along with .nav-item to showcase the disabled state of a stepper item.

Horizontal Stepper with Secondary Text

You can also add a secondary text in the label of the stepper item.

Horizontal Stepper with bottom Label

Add class .pmd-stepper-bottom-label after .pmd-stepper to move the label below the stepper media.

Responsive Horizontal Stepper

To make a stepper responsive, use .pmd-stepper-vertical-{sm,md,lg} class along with .pmd-stepper.

Horizontal Stepper Without Divider

Add class .pmd-stepper-no-divider alond with .pmd-stepper to remove the dividers between the steps in a stepper.

Vertical Stepper

Add class .pmd-stepper-vertical to create a vertical stepper.


Use <a> tags to create actionable stepper items.


Vertical Stepper with Active State

Add .active class along with .nav-item to showcase the active state of a vertical stepper item.


Vertical Stepper with Completed State

Add .completed class along with .nav-item to showcase the completed state of a vertical stepper item.


Vertical Stepper with Disabled State

Add .disabled class along with .nav-item to showcase the disabled state of a vertical stepper item.


Vertical Stepper with Accordion

You can also create a vertical stepper with Accordion. Wrap the stepper component with the accordion class and then add the necessary collapse properties and classes in the <a> tag and the <div> tag containing class .pmd-stepper-content.


Configuration Options

The Propeller CSS classes apply various predefined visual enhancements to the Stepper. The table lists the available classes and their effects.

Classes Effect Remark
.pmd-stepper Add this class to create stepper. Required
.pmd-stepper-item Add this class to the stepper items. Required
.pmd-stepper-media Add this class to the stepper media. Required
.pmd-stepper-title Add this class to the step title. Required
.pmd-stepper-subtitle Add this class to the step subtitle. Required
.pmd-stepper-content Wrap the content of the stepper with this class. Required
.pmd-stepper-no-divider Add this class to remove dividers between the steps. Optional
.pmd-stepper-hover Add this class to create hoverable stepper. Optional
.active Add class to showcase the active state of the stepper. Optional
.completed Add class to showcase the completed state of the stepper. Optional
.disabled Add class to showcase the disabled state of the stepper. Optional
.pmd-stepper-bottom-label Add class to move the label below the media. Optional
.pmd-stepper-vertical-{sm,md,lg} Add class to create responsive steppers. Optional
.pmd-stepper-vertical Add class to create vertical stepper. Optional