Release Notes v1.1.0

Announcing the next version of the Pro framework – Propeller Pro V 1.1.0. This new version includes SCSS Enhancements and Bug Fixing.

Below is the list of major highlights from Propeller Pro 1.1.0:



  • Fixed the accordian arrow issue in active mode, Sometimes the active class was not getting added properly in the accordion.
  • Fixed the scrollable tabs next arrow visible issue. While there are less number of tabs in scrollable tabs the next arrow was getting displayed when we click on the first tab.
  • Fixed the sidebar overlay issue in mobile device. Whenever the sidebar is open and we randomly scroll in overlay the content area was getting scrolled.


  • Fixed the border-radius issue in .card-image-top class. Added the border radius property in .card-image-top class to overwrite the Bootstrap default border-radius.
  • Fixed the line-height issue of the FAB button
  • Added the facility to modify the background color of the sidebar’s active navigation and its sub items.
  • Added the variable $sidebar-sub-nav-link-font-weight to set the font-weight of the second and third level navigation links in a sidebar.
  • Added the variable $sidebar-nav-link-font-weight to set the font-weight of the primary navigation links in a sidebar.
  • Added the variable $card-list-bg to update the background color of a list.
  • Added the variable $text-muted to update the color of .text-muted class.
  • Added the variables $display{1,2,3,4}-line-height, $pmd-{headline,title,subheading2,subheading1}-line-height, $display{1,2,3,4}-font-weight and $pmd-{headline,title,subheading2,subheading1}-font-weight to set the line-height and font-weight of the .pmd-display{1,2,3,4}, .pmd-{headline,title,subheading2,subheading1}classes respectively.
  • Added the variable $table-caption-color to set the color of the caption of the table.
  • Added the variable $table-dark-head-bg to set the background color of the .thead-dark class.
  • Added the variable $table-light-head-bg to set the background color of the .thead-light class.
  • Added the variable $table-light-head-color to set the font color of the table headings in .thead-light class.
  • Added the variable $dt-font-weight to set the font-weight of the <dt> tag.
  • Added the variable $label-margin-bottom to set the bottom margin of the label.
  • Added the variable $box-shadow-color to set the color of the box-shadow.
  • Added the $pmd-box-shadow map to provide the facility to manually set the box-shadow opacity and depth of the components. Click here to find out how to use the map to set the shadows of your components.
  • Added the variable $table-card-box-shadow to set the box-shadow of the table.
  • Added the variable $switch-label-box-shadow to set the box-shadow of the toggle switch.
  • Added the variable $sidebar-box-shadow to set the box-shadow of the sidebar.
  • Added the variable $card-shadow to set the box-shadow of the card .
  • Added the variables $btn-raised-box-shadow and $btn-raised-focus-box-shadow to set the box-shadow of a raised button and its focused state respectively.
  • Added the variables $floating-action-btn-box-shadow and $floating-action-btn-focus-box-shadow to set the box-shadow of a floating action button and its focused state respectively.
  • Added the variables $accordion-box-shadow and $accordion-inbox-active-box-shadow to set the box-shadow of the Accordion and for the active state of the Inbox like accordion respectively.
  • Changed the class name from .pmd-into-container to .pmd-intro-container
  • Removed the .pmd-card-list class from the cards with list.
  • Renamed class from .avatar-list-img to .pmd-list-avatar-img in Card component.

Bug Fixes:


  • Fixed the accordian arrow issue in active mode, Sometimes the active class was not getting added properly in the accordion.
  • Fixed the scrollable tabs next arrow visible issue. While there are less number of tabs in scrollable tabs the next arrow was getting displayed when we click on the first tab.
  • Fixed the sidebar overlay issue in mobile device. Whenever the sidebar is open and we randomly scroll in overlay the content area was getting scrolled.


  • Fixed the border-radius issue in .card-image-top class. Added the border radius property in .card-image-top class to overwrite the Bootstrap default border-radius.
  • Fixed the line-height issue of the FAB button
  • Changed the class name from .pmd-into-container to .pmd-intro-container
  • Removed the .pmd-card-list class from the cards with list.
  • Renamed class from .avatar-list-img to .pmd-list-avatar-img in Card component.



  • Added the facility to modify the background color of the sidebar’s active navigation and its sub items.
  • Added the variable $sidebar-sub-nav-link-font-weight to set the font-weight of the second and third level navigation links in a sidebar.
  • Added the variable $sidebar-nav-link-font-weight to set the font-weight of the primary navigation links in a sidebar.
  • Added the variable $card-list-bg to update the background color of a list.
  • Added the variable $text-muted to update the color of .text-muted class.
  • Added the variables $display{1,2,3,4}-line-height, $pmd-{headline,title,subheading2,subheading1}-line-height, $display{1,2,3,4}-font-weight and $pmd-{headline,title,subheading2,subheading1}-font-weight to set the line-height and font-weight of the .pmd-display{1,2,3,4}, .pmd-{headline,title,subheading2,subheading1}classes respectively.
  • Added the variable $table-caption-color to set the color of the caption of the table.
  • Added the variable $table-dark-head-bg to set the background color of the .thead-dark class.
  • Added the variable $table-light-head-bg to set the background color of the .thead-light class.
  • Added the variable $table-light-head-color to set the font color of the table headings in .thead-light class.
  • Added the variable $dt-font-weight to set the font-weight of the <dt> tag.
  • Added the variable $label-margin-bottom to set the bottom margin of the label.
  • Added the variable $box-shadow-color to set the color of the box-shadow.
  • Added the $pmd-box-shadow map to provide the facility to manually set the box-shadow opacity and depth of the components. Click here to find out how to use the map to set the shadows of your components.
  • Added the variable $table-card-box-shadow to set the box-shadow of the table.
  • Added the variable $switch-label-box-shadow to set the box-shadow of the toggle switch.
  • Added the variable $sidebar-box-shadow to set the box-shadow of the sidebar.
  • Added the variable $card-shadow to set the box-shadow of the card .
  • Added the variables $btn-raised-box-shadow and $btn-raised-focus-box-shadowto set the box-shadow of a raised button and its focused state respectively.
  • Added the variables $floating-action-btn-box-shadow and $floating-action-btn-focus-box-shadow to set the box-shadow of a floating action button and its focused state respectively.
  • Added the variables $accordion-box-shadow and $accordion-inbox-active-box-shadow to set the box-shadow of the Accordion and for the active state of the Inbox like accordion respectively.